Summer Notes
Ceremonies Galore!
Thus far, 2007 has been eventful for those who like Zen ceremonies. First off, on February 25 the Sangha gathered for Caroline Devane's novice ceremony. Caroline is now undergoing a novitiate period that will last for roughly one year, following which she will undergo full ordination in the Three Jewels Order. Congratulations and gasshos to Caroline for making this commitment to the Dharma.

Then, on May 18 Sevan Sensei received Dharma Transmission from James Ford Roshi in a public ceremony at the Center. Ford Roshi is a sanctioned teacher in the Robert Aitken lineage and the Jiyu Kennett (Soto) lineage; Sensei has now received Dharma Transmission in these lineages along with the Kapleau/Rochester Zen Center lineage as transmitted through Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede. More than 40 people attended the ceremony.
Finally, Elie Nijm has decided to become a lay-ordained practitioner in the Three Jewels Order. The ceremony to begin Elie's training for ordination took place during the July sesshin.
Why I Might Own an iPod (Yet)
The CZC has joined the list of Zen Centers (including Rochester) that are making teishos available by podcast. This means that you can automatically receive teishos as they are posted online - no need to check manually to see if anything new has been added. To subscribe, visit our site feed or simply search for us on Apple's iTunes in the podcast directory (should be available in the next few days).We hope this feature will provide additional convenience for members and allow us to reach a wider audience. If this entire description sounds horribly confusing, don't worry - the same teishos will still be available for download on the Center's website as they've always been.

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